Volunteer With Us
The Richmond Lions Club is always looking for more people who would like to volunteer, and welcomes members of the community who are interested in volunteering their time to help with a variety of tasks at the Op Shop.
Volunteer opportunities include:
- Collecting and delivering donated items with our vans
- Sorting donated clothing
- Checking and testing donated electrical items
- Sorting donated books
- Sorting and pricing donated items
- On sale days, assist customers, move furniture, and accept donated items.
Members and volunteers are invited to nominate a charity or organisation to receive a donation each year.

Become a Lions Member
Lions club members are people who strive to make a difference in their local community as well as in communities worldwide. Their volunteer efforts go beyond the support of vision care, to addressing unmet health and education needs worldwide. Contact us today at the Lions Club of Richmond and find out how you can get involved in helping the community.
Our Club Meetings
The Richmond Lions Club meets on the second Tuesday of the month, from 12–1:30 pm.
All our meetings at held at our OP Shop, located at 63 Penong Avenue, Camden Park, SA.