About Us

About Us

2023/24 Club Executive Members

President - Dianne


Dianne (Di) Goldsworthy

President & Shed ManagerDianne (Di) Goldsworthy
SecretaryDavid Frith
TreasurerJoe Van Den Hueval
Secretary - David


David Frith

Our Club History

The Richmond Lions Club was chartered in March 1964. The Club was struggling for new members at the time and in 1969/70, 6 new members raised the member numbers to 21. The new members did not know anything about ‘Lionism’ but were keen to learn and to participate.

The first meeting was a business meeting. This meeting commenced with the Song of Australia and God Save The Queen. The second meeting in the month included partners. The third meeting was a Board meeting at the Presidents home.

At Business meetings, there was discussion regarding what could be done in the local council area of West Torrens, (one member was a Councillor for the Council) so the Club got on well with the Mayor and Council officers. The Club did small jobs around the West Torrens Council area, mostly gardening etc for the elderly.

Richmond Lions Club Op Shop
Joe and Ben with the Richmond Lions Club van ready to collect donations for the Op Shop

Then the Club started a different form of activity. They started doing garage sales from members’ homes and started to make some money. Then Xmas cake sales started as well. We went door-to-door with a sleigh, with cakes also being sold at the Council and a local chemist and a bank. The Club continued to develop and look to new initiatives. We were able to get some money from the Government to help the West Torrens Council to build the Steve Hamra Retirement Village. The Club put in floor coverings and electrical fittings.

Lion Frank Norton talked the Council into building a double garage on Streeters Road for the Club. We did garage sales from there. We won a car lottery and sold it for $25,000 and bought a van. We started picking up paper and bottles from hotels and hospitals.

In January 2002, an arsonist burnt the shed used for garage sales. A major shock to the Club. The Council let the Club store items in the former Camden Park Primary School Gymnasium, while they looked for a new site for a shed.

The Council gave permission for garage sales. The Club received a lot of help from several people. They helped set up tables and sort goods to be ready for a sale.

We started to collect donated furniture from the local area. We also started to collect papers and bottles and cans from the State Administration Centre.

With the success of the sales we were able to make lots of small donations. Western Youth Centre and Children’s hospital, Foodbank, long Street Church Hall, West Torrens Council bus etc.

Richmond Lions Club Op Shop
Lions Clubs International Logo

Lions Clubs are part of community life, in metropolitan cities and in country regions. Clubs are easily identified by our distinctive Logo, the trademark of our International Association, and the ‘We Serve’ motto.

Lions Australia is part of an international association, with people who are joined by the common desire to make their communities better, by using their creativity, enthusiasm and energy.

Lions Clubs International membership currently stands at over 1.4 million in around 45,500 clubs in approximately 202 countries. During the year, individual Lions Clubs perform over 1,500 services each day in their local areas, bringing the association to a level of service never before known.

We are part of the greatest humanitarian service force that has ever existed.

Membership is open to all people of the community in good standing, 18 years and older.

Our Lions Club is Supported by